Word Introductory Level
- Quick Access Toolbar
- Backstage view
- Ribbon
- Zoom slider
- Scroll bars
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Document compatibility/document conversion
- Exiting word
- Opening and closing documents
- Saving documents
- Deleting files
- Creating new folders
- Entering and editing text
- Selecting text
- Deleting text
- Document navigation
- Help
Editing a Document
- Changing the font
- Applying borders to text
- Undo, redo and repeat
- Entering date and time
- Alignment
- Indentation
- Line and paragraph spacing
- Setting tabs
- Type of tabs
- Case change
Move / Copy / Paste
- Copying text
- Moving text
- Drag and drop
- Smart Tags
- Office clipboard
- Format painter
- Expand and collapse
Document Printing
- Print preview
- Setting page margins
- Page orientation
- Page size
- Page layout
- Page breaks
- Envelopes and labels
- Using templates
- Creating your own template
- Editor
- Smart Lookup
- Thesaurus
- Autocorrect
- Find and replace
- Go to
- Finding and replacing character formatting
- AutoText
- AutoFormatting
- Applying styles
- Word count
- Inserting symbols
Bullets and Numbering
- Picture or symbol bullets
- Multilevel lists
- Drawing a table
- Creating a table using quick parts
- Insert a table
- Table borders
- Table modifications
- Merging cells
- Splitting cells
- Splitting a table
Word Intermediate
Mail Merge
- Creating a mail merge
- Finding records
- Editing records
- Filtering and sorting records
- Mail merge labels
Formatting Sections
- Creating a new section
- Page numbers
- Headers and footers
- Quick parts
- Filename & pathname
- Columns
- Cover page
Desktop publishing
- Text flow options
- Pictures
- WordArt
- Layout options button
- SmartArt
- Object formatting
- Aligning text around graphics
- 3D Models
- Watermarks
- Page borders
- Text boxes
- Screenshot
- Selection pane
- Drop caps
- Style shortcut keys
- Creating styles
- Organise styles
- Document styles
- Themes
- Colour scheme
Long Documents
- Sorting lists and tables
- Outline view
- Navigation pane
- Table of contents
- Bookmarks and cross-references
- Footnotes and endnotes
- Captions
- Insert table of figures
- Indexes
- Table of authorities
Default Settings
- General options
- Save options
- Customising the ribbon
- Document properties
- Removing personal information
- Customising the ribbon
Word advanced
Introduction to Macros
- Planning a macro
- Visual basic
- Naming a macro
- Macro assignment
- Recording a macro
- Running a macro
- Editing a macro
- Assigning a macro to the quick access toolbar
- Assigning a macro to a shortcut key
- To copy or rename a macro
- To delete a macro
- Adding comments
- Reviewing comments
- Printing comments
- Ink annotations
- Tracking changes
- Document protection
- Compare documents
- Document versions
- Creating charts
- Modifying charts
- Create a chart using an existing Excel table
- Creating diagrams
Word and Other Applications
- Linking and embedding tables from Excel
- Modifying linked and embedded worksheets
- Inserting fields
- Updating fields
- Locking, unlocking and unlinking fields
- Fill-in fields
- Fied switches
- Table calculations
- Creating forms
- Protecting forms
Master and Sub Documents
- Creating master documents
- Creating subdocuments